Improving your well-being using essential oils

Have you ever questioned whether or not you could benefit from using essential oils? First and foremost aroma has a powerful influence on your well being and your psychological health. How? Essential oils contain biologically active botanical plant compounds in a highly concentrated form. For example: It requires 5,000 pounds of rose petals to produce 2 pounds of pure therapeutic grade Young Living  Rose essential oil. Just sit back and smell the roses, let me know how you feel ahhhhh it smells so pretty! EOs are historically known for their aromatherapy effects and even known for their healing properties, used by many ancient civilizations. Plants have been used for medicine before there was anything known as 'pharmacy'. Maybe you have interested but don't know what your getting yourself into, I'm here to help!

Quality of your essential oil is vital in reaping all the full benefits of use. Oils I am referring to are 100% therapeutic grade essential oils from plants NOT synthetic fragrance oils nor perfumes. Which can be toxic and typically contain allergens. The quality of essential oil you are considering can be hard to access because of factors such as growing conditions, methods of harvesting, distillation, manufacturing, and storage can ALL effect the final product. Young Living sees through the whole process no other company I ever tried has the same seed to seal promise. One super IMPORTANT consideration is a proof of purity, what you're looking for is 100% pure therapeutic grade, meaning it has not been diluted or adulterated. How it's bottled can be a tip-off, essential oils are bottled in dark amber or blue bottles to protect from oxidation and sunlight deteriorating important beneficial botanical compounds in your oils. Look for it to have an orifice reducer or dropper, which protects your oil from oxygen getting inside the bottle. The price you pay may also be alarming if it's too little, it's most likely a reflection of poor quality. Harvesting essential oil is a very delicate process because so many factors are involved and requires quite of lot of harvested HEALTHY plants grown in their own ideal climates to produce such a small amount of oil. While essential oils are readily available today, that is something to consider when picking a brand you can trust.

There are thousands of essential oils available today, if you factor in singular to combinations or blends. Some of the most popular singular oils are Lavender (calming, floral scent, gentle on kids), Peppermint (aids digestion, eases upset stomach, uplifting, used in recipes), Lemon (used for cleaning, uplifting, citrus scent & flavor), Frankincense great for skin regime and Tea Tree (antiseptic & gentle on skin). Popular blends seem to be Thieves (clove, lemon, rosemary, cinnamon, eucalyptus) used in daily wellness practices, Joy (bergamont, ylang ylang, geranium, lemon, coriander, tangerine, jasmine, roman chamomile, palmarosa, rose) pure and uplifting diffuse to create an atmosphere of happiness, Purification (lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree) great for neutralizing unwanted odors, Panaway (peppermint, clove, wintergreen) great to be applied with carrier oil after a workout and Stress Away (copaiba, lime, cedarwood, vanilla, ocotea, lavender) diffuse or roll on with carrier oil to help promote relaxation. Each blend or combination of oils work in harmony with each other to create a more magnified effect rather than an individual oil. Let's discuss whether or not essential oils have a biological effect, if so how?

1. EO's help damaged cells:
Scientifically proven essential oils applied topically or inhaled actually enter your bloodstream. It's because they share several properties and molecular structures similar to that of human cells and tissues. That makes them easily accepted and compatible with human protein so they can be readily used by the body, isn't that awesome? Essential oils also stimulate the secretion of antibodies, neurotransmitters, endorphines, hormones and enzymes in the human body! Whoa.
2. Taking Preventative Care:
Like the above point, EOs have properties that keep our bodies functioning the way they were made to function naturally. Since essential oils do not disturb the body's natural homeostasis; if one constitute exerts too strong of an effect another constituent may counteract it. It's worthy to note, synthetic chemicals usually only have one action and often disrupt natural homeostasis
3. Emotional Support:
STRESS. I don't need to tell you how horrible stress is for our whole entire well being. From past to present to future emotional support, EOs help the body release unwanted tension. Scientifically put essential oils have a small molecular structure which allows them to penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout the bloodstream and tissues. Their lipid soluble structure is very similar to the cell chemistry in the human body. So when inhaled molecules go directly into our limbic system of the brain, which is directly connected to areas that control heart rate, stress response and hormonal balance allowing them to have profound physiological and psychological effects! 
4. Replace Harmful Toxic Products:
Quality of air inside our homes is 5-7 times more toxic than outdoors, especially if you are using synthetically scented air-freshners. Did you know? It takes 22 seconds for toxins you smell or apply to fully enter your bloodstream. It takes just as fast for essential oils to enter your blood stream and start help repair your damaged cells. Also these blends and oils, smell fan-fricken-tastic. They're also nontoxic because they are plant based, you can also use them in your homemade products to replace everything around your home.

5. Why Young Living? SEED TO SEAL
Young Living is the ONLY therapeutic essential oil company in the world that has control over every step from planting to bottling. They are the only ones that can fully claim that their essential oils are pure.

6.Concerned about saftey? 
Please read more in my blog post, click here.

*All information on Green Mountain Mama Blog is meant for educational and informational purposes only. The statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products mentioned and/or information are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in consultation with their health care provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult your physician.


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