When choosing an essential oil company

What are you looking to accomplish? For some, they want a nice smelling home and a feel-good gentle approach to essential oils. For me, I look for a company that has the best action, purpose and range of effectiveness. While there are several good companies out there that make good quality oils, I have found that every time I side by side test them they do not compare to the actual deep action I am looking for. You also need to use more of that oil, so when you think it may look cheaper, it is actually more expensive because you need to use 4-5, drops compared to just one of a company that distills the oil correctly. Consider the majority of these are good companies (Eden's Garden, Mountain Rose Herbs, DoTerra to name a few) however, they all practice a method with some of their oils that allows the oils to still be fully pure, but the end product smells better. They take the oil after it is distilled and they distill the oil to pull out the more earthy or "dirty" smelling constituents. What this does is removes some of the deeper, long lasting natural constituents such as sesquiterpenes. The monoterpenes are what have the more fragrant sweeter smells. So, while I understand many people would purchase these oils just on smell alone, I am not interested in the smell, I am interested in the range of effectiveness of that specific oil; the oil works accurately in the way it is intended to. It is why many people will find success with these milder, sweeter smelling brands at first only to find their body is no longer responding like it used to. With that said, it is why I only use Young Living. Yes, I understand that they may seem higher priced, but when you understand that one drop does the trick in a carrier oil over 4-5 or in some cases the other oil doesn't work at all, the price is way lower. Yes, it is a hard thing for some of you that you also can only get them through a distributor, however, it is because education is needed when using these more powerful oils. Which is all that bad, personally I am very flexible to make sure you'd get exactly what you need and help you find something that fits into your budget. Also, I am constantly educating myself everyday, I am learning so much from dr's, aromatherapists and nurses that was I introduced to in my communities online forums; ALL new members and veteran members alike have access to this. And in my own personal research I like to do on my own time. When buying from Walmart for example you aren't taking any valuable resources how to use essential oils, community, mentorship, education on safety of use of essential oils, a loyalty program (essential rewards: money back and free products) opportunities to visit their farms, company classes, oversea trips, and so much more you get to be apart of! Since education is very important to myself, you can start with viewing Young Living's key important practices here at www.seedtoseal.com. There is a sigma I have felt surrounding Young Living being a mlm company. I want to remind you that people such as myself are real-life ordinary people and all of us have our own individual oily journey through this company which I feel is great. To me that is more valuable that Young Living chose us, than a model advertising in a magazine or t.v. commercial. In comparison real people with real testimonies to me are far superior. If you think about it, every store where you go has to pay their employees (farmers in this case too) and advertising, the money that is generated goes to you first, if your coming in as a business prospective opportunity it's not going to the upper head. It may go to ballet lessons, college fund, school books, house payments, or even a night out for mom and dad. With that said, I feel it's more valuable to community and on an economic level to give opportunities to people like you, instead of paying millions to a celebrity to just put a 'face' on their brand as the selling point. It's also important to keep in mind, purchasing from a YL it is supporting a small business owner like myself that dipped their toes into the business side. People that choose this option like myself, may have a family to support. This isn't any different than any other 'job' and reason behind why you are doing it. This enables me personally to stay home with my littles, homeschool and be able to do something I am passionate about trying to support environmentally conscious brands that I can be proud and confident in using. Real testimonies are worth more than just a face value, significantly have far more worth. I hope that gives you something to think about, when choosing a essential oil company you can trust or even other brands you've encountered. While I respect and honor everyone's choice in what they use, and I do feel that any oil is better than Windex or other harmful synthetic chemical health products, I honestly, 100% fully adore and only use Young Living. I hope you are able to appreciate my perspective, and those of you who disagree I only ask that you do a true side-by-side "range of effectiveness" test. You can start with Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender or Frankincense

Blessings to you on your journey and I hope it leads you to better health and wellness!

Gabrielle Melendy


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