I needed to make changes for my family

I've always thought I was making the healthiest choices for my family whether it be our food choices, which I'll admit aren't as perfect as I'd like them to be. My littles are a tough one to please. I don't know if they'll be trying quinoa, hummus or veggie nuggets anytime soon without their mouth being a bear trap to get it into! But on a serious note... I'm trying like most parents doing the best they know how to make the best choices. When it comes to what companies I buy from, last year I really was getting diligent about looking at the 'Ingredients list' and using the EWG rating website here. If you aren't already, I really urge you to dig deeper. Whatever your buying you should know WHAT is in the products you bathe your children with and what you put into your bodies. That 'natural flavor' isn't really natural at all and could cause a long list of health problems. That 'fragrance' in your lotions...it might contain a chemical that's known by the FDA to cause breast cancer. I telling you this, because I care. Us as parents need to be aware, all these labels are marketing fraud to us as a consumer. I don't know about you, but if I have the choice for my family to avoid our exposure to cancerous chemicals...I'm grabbing that bull by the horns and taking full responsibility to PROTECT my family!  

I found another really easy way to keep on top of finding the best products, you can even scan in any store you go into before it goes in the cart. I probably looked foolish to other people but this mama was on a mission! It's an app called 'Think Dirty', you can download it on your phone and scan the bar codes of products you have throughout your house (and in-store). First I started in my bathroom, the item I scanned was a baby magic product and it was rated a 9. This product I was bathing my littlest one in had chemicals in it that can cause: cancer, developmental & reproductive toxicity and isn't good for anyone with sensitive skin (19 ingredients listed). Then why is this being marketed for babies??? My jaw hit the floor! I won't post which specific product it was, because I really do not want to bash another company, BUT I REALLY AM APPALLED! Can you guess where it went next? The trash. I continued to go throughout my home, I felt like an idiot really, allowing myself to be fooled by these marketing claims of 'all natural' and 'organic' on cosmetics, body products and my littles products. A little back story, I used to work at a spa that practices all natural holistic products and treatments. They sold an expensive line of all natural beauty products I really fell in love with... one of which I purchased. I scanned said item, with the 'Think Dirty App' and was shocked it had an ingredient that could increase my risk for breast cancer. The more I scanned... I saw a trend among women's products that I didn't see in mens'; "chemical known to cause breast cancer". Coincidence? I'm not too sure what to think. But without going into everything I scanned because it's truly A LOT, it really has me concerned. 

Here's unsettling some facts:

1. Currently there are 80,000 synthetic chemicals that are not fully tested (Source: Natural Resource Defense Council) In US, cosmetic industry's panel has reviewed just 11 percent of the 10,500 cosmetic ingredients cataloged by FDA (FDA 2000) Only 11 Chemicals are banned in US.Canada has a guideline for just over 650 and The European Union Health commission has restricted over 1,300 chemicals.

2.There is outdated government regulations when it comes to cosmetics, that hasn't been updated since 1930.
Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2013 finally introduced and awaiting for voting. But there's no pre-market approval requirement for cosmetics to be on sale in US and Canadian markets.

3.No legal definitions of “Natural” and Organic.Laws are not required to regulate the use of words like “Natural” and “Organic” on cosmetics and personal care products.

4.Fragrances are considered trade-secret. Manufacturers are not required to disclose specific fragrance ingredients on the product label. Instead, the generic term 'parfum' is listed, representing a mixture of potentially dozens of chemicals.

Sources: Think Dirty

That's when I realized I needed to make healthier choices for my family, from what we put on our skin to even what we put into our bodies. I started making small changes immediately starting with toothpaste, mouthwash and laundry detergent. Next, since I'm now a member (click to see my story) at Young Living I look forward making an even bigger change. I plan on using the oils to make my family, non-toxic and irritant-free products, there is a recipe I can make with my thieves oil to make a non-toxic bathroom cleaner or hand-soap! Sooo...essential oil body butter is definitely list of things to make first, because we have sensitive dry skin in between seasons (I'll be blogging about essential oil recipes you can make too, stay tuned)! Even better if that's not your niche, Young Living has a whole line of products already pre-made with non-toxic ingredients containing their 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils. See their new catalog (click here).

P.S. Even if your not using Young Living products, we can still be friends... I just want to raise awareness of things that could be lurking in your products at home.


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