Why I decided to become a Young Living Member

When I decided I wanted to try out essential oils, I was a little overwhelmed and a skeptic of the benefits of using oils in my families life. To be honest so was my husband. I had seen plenty of Pinterest articles on how to use essential oils in your beauty routine or helping your children sleep. I made some soy wax tarts for my wax warmers which was a complete and utter failure because the oils weren't performing like I thought they should. Literally there was only a trace of oil scent and I was so disappointed! Then I got introduced to an essential oil company Young Living by a family member. I really had the mindset that they're only used just for the aromatic scent, so I thought. Until my husband had one of the worst migraines of his life, none of the things he usually does was relieving any of the pain that had been then going on for two hours! My mother in law at the time was borrowing a Young Living premium kit. I got desperate, I broke down, I needed to see for myself the benefits for using essential oils and this was my ticket. My husband needed help and I was so helpless (So was he)! I was instructed to put drop of peppermint therapeutic oil on his hands and told him to breath in five deep breaths. A drop of lavender on his earlobes and back of his neck, 10 minutes later his migraine was gone. That's all it took two drops of oil, he was in relief and so was I to see his pain was over. We were still unsure even then about using essential oils...

Onto another story and turning point, my sister in law was having great success with using Young Living's Gentle Baby blend (coriander, geranium, palmarosa, lavender, ylang ylang, roman chamomile, fergamot [furocoumarin-free], lemon, jasmine, rose oil). One day at church she shared with me that she started diffusing it at bedtime and her kids finally were sleeping through the night! This truly a godsend for their entire family to be able to sleep she said. I thought to myself, you know what? I would like some sleep and my children need a restful sleep. If you've got littles, you really know what sleep deprivation is not any fun at all for anybody! So I decided to give it a try, I had nothing to loose. To our surprise it was another way essential oils helped dramatically. Usually my littles go to bed at 8pm and take a while to get settled down. And then sometimes are up in the middle of the night for something like hearing a noise or the baby lost her paci. Then they would both get up bright and early every single day between 5am-6am. When I diffused at bedtime, they didn't wake up until between 7am-8am. That was a huge improvement! I don't think I've "slept in" that long since before I had my oldest. Gentle Baby blend worked so well for my children...I then decided to borrow some coconut oil to use a carrier oil, my mother in law let me take about 1/3 of a cup of it. I thought this would be too much carrier oil to put the essential oils in because I thought it would be too diluted. It wasn't at all. To be honest you want to dilute heavily when using essential oils on children, because of their delicate skin. I put two drops of Gentle Baby blend and two drops of Young Living Lavender essential oil; it still had a strong scent to my surprise. I used this 'sleepy time lotion' as my kids call it, as a bedtime routine on their feet and back. They liked it so much they'd ask for it and I didn't mind either. My kiddos still slept through the night without much interruptions at all, no more fussing before bedtime before settling down. HUGE MOM WIN, right there! Sleep is very important in this house without it I just cannot function.

The more I dug into discovering essential oils and their history, I began to understand essential oils are so much more than aromatics, there were healing properties found in plants. I personally recommend reading 'The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils' by Julia Lawless. If you're new to essential oils, this is a very informative educational book based off the knowledge of authors mother whom is a biochemist that was involved in the research of essential oils, studied Western & Tibetan herbal medicine, registered aromatherapist and member of International Federation of Aromatherapists.And another great book I just started to dive into was Essential Oil pocket reference seventh edition by Life Science products and publishing.  

But even THEN I was still teetering! I was concerned about safety, see more here. I did my own research about Young Living vs. other companies. It was hard for me to decide on the very best oils for my family. First and foremost because are so many essential oil companies out there! And because of packaging and specific terms like "pure", "Therapeutic grade", "Organic" and "Natural"... it can be difficult very to determine through company marketing claims for you to actually know the 'grade' of oil that is actually in that bottle and if it's been undiluted. Also the cost was a big factor, if you have a family to provide I know you really understand. What really touched me about Young Living was their promise of Seed to Seal, meaning they are overseeing every step of the process, please check out www.seedtoseal.com. This talks all about Young Living’s process and their promise of seed to seal. While other companies are very vague where they source their essential oils, Young Living company is very open about it. And they have a huge line of essential oil based products See more here

But let’s be really honest, pure 100% essential oils cost money and not just a little bit. Most parents aren’t sitting around wondering what to do with their mounds of "extra cash". It’s super tempting to run out to TJ Maxx, health food store, or even an online retailer to find a deal; I know I've done it! You really can find essential oils anywhere these days. I even bounced around for awhile trying out brands I found on eBay and Amazon, I'll admit it. That was before I did my research and found out how little regulations there are for marketing essential oils. And how everything from harvesting the plants, the plant material, and the construction of the distilling equipment effects the quality of the oil. I love that the product I’m now using for my family is tested, pure and safe. In the end, you'll have to make your own choice for your own family when you decide you may benefit from using essential oils. I know Young Livings processes for bringing the best product available and it's one I can trust because they care about the safety and well being of their consumers. They also have a wholesale membership for their repeat customers to save 24% off all their products, which is great! And I am now apart of a HUGE community of people and resources, if I have any questions along the way. 


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