How potent are your oils?

Essential oils are a volatile substance naturally occurring constituents of plants. They naturally smell like the the biologically sourced plant they come from and characteristics of that specific plant are evident. But when sourced and distilled (see how here) oils are not all equally proccessed or pure, there are actually FOUR GRADES of oils on the market today! Depending on your intended use of purchasing an oil, be sure you know where it is sourced if you intend for therapeutic or topical use.

Things to look for when selecting a company: 

-It important to note the bottle should be dark amber or blue to block out the UV rays from weakening the important natural compounds of the botanical. Also naturally over time, a pure essential oil will deteriorate plastic and/or seep chemicals from the plastic into your oils.

-Look for an orfice reducer, it's that clear little "plug" with a vent hole in the center of it. This keeps your oil from oxidizing.

-The company should be able to tell you where they source their plants, how they are treated, and how it's distilled on their bottle and/or website. Personally I love how open Young Living is about this whole proccess, that they oversee everything and let us (the people) see it!

-If the oil inside is pure essential oil, it should state the use on the outside on the bottle with the scientific name of the plant.

-Terms such as organic or natural are loose terms "regulated" by the FDA. (See here on the FDA by clicking the linked words). More so are a marketing scheme to get buyers to buy goods that aren't necessarily so. Scary right? But it's true. Please be informed before you buy from ANY company. I recommend downloading the DirtyApp on your phone to scan items in your home (it's free!).

Now on to the good stuff! 
How could you go a step further, making sure your getting the best possible product for you and your family? You need to know there are FOUR different grades of oils for use.

1. Therapeutic Grade (Young Living standard)
- Pure essential oils
- Extracted from sustainable raised plants
- Contain highest optimal levels of natural plant compounds found in naturally sourced botanicals.
- Recommended for personal use! 

2. Natural or Organic
- Pass organic growing standards only
- May or May not contain optimal levels of important plant compounds found in Therapeutic Grade essential oils. 
- Can use for personal use, may have less desired effect because of lack of potency and/or purity!

3. Extended or Altered
- Fragrance grade oil
- Offer minimal or undetectable traces of important plant compounds.
- Often may be diluted with fillers such as olive oil another carrier oil.
- Used for aromatics only, not for personal use!

4. Synthetic 
- Created in a laboratory
- Commonly found in personal products around the home labeled as Parfum or Fragrance
See on, website quote:

If a cosmetic is marketed on a retail basis to consumers, such as in stores, on the Internet, or person-to-person, it must have a list of ingredients. In most cases, each ingredient must be listed individually. But under U.S. regulations, fragrance and flavor ingredients can be listed simply as “Fragrance” or “Flavor.”
Here’s why: FDA requires the list of ingredients under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA). This law is not allowed to be used to force a company to tell “trade secrets.” Fragrance and flavor formulas are complex mixtures of many different natural and synthetic chemical ingredients, and they are the kinds of cosmetic components that are most likely to be “trade secrets.” To learn more, see the regulation on cosmetic ingredient labeling and the Federal Register notice for this regulation, which addresses “trade secrets” and the FPLA."


- Use of this type of oil, is up to YOUR own discretion, as it is found everywhere in products you may already have in your home which can cause a laundry list of health issues. 

Get that Think Dirty App in your hands now! On top of my children sleeping through the night, this is one main reason I chose Young Living, to eliminate chemicals in my home and wanting only the best products (read more). I hope this blog left you a little more aware and I am sorry if I freaked you out. Honestly it freaked ME out learning these things that really I wish I was more careful with in the past. But you live and learn right? I am taking the step in the right direction. This isn't a tend, it's taking back your choices and being empowered to know what is in your products you slather all over yourself and family everyday. Yeah I stirred the pot so to speak, but things I am speaking on are real life problems. The FDA doesn't have your families best interest at hand, but you have the power to choose to! 

*All information on Green Mountain Mama Blog is meant for educational and informational purposes only. The statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any products mentioned and/or information are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in consultation with their health care provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult your physician.


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